美国   雪特兰


著名音响设计师Ronald Logan Sutherland过往以设计高级音响器材为主导,作品有著名静电扬声器Martin Logan马田卢根,当中Logan便是以Ronald其中间名字为品牌;随后以Sutherland品牌推出极品前级C-1000和多款放大器。Ronald跟贴市场不断的转变,现时将资源集中于黑胶产品上,推出了X2、PhD Hubble及Ph3D唱头放大器。当中价钱较大众化的优秀作品Ph3D,最大特色是完全放弃采用交流电,而改以16枚D Side普通电池供电,把电源彻底DC化,真正杜绝了交流电所产生的噪声干扰,只须16枚碱性电池就能获得1200小时音乐享用保证。为设计成完全防静电及屏蔽,Ph3D机身涂上粉末状的epoxy物料,能更有效地底消外来不同电波干扰,加强宁静度。 Ph3D内部拥有5组不同唱放输入阻值调节,方便配合不同类型唱头设定需要。还有5段不同数值(由40~60dB)的增益选择,确保使用不同类型唱头都能有最佳的输出值。Ph3D虽然价钱大众化,但电路上用料却一丝不苟,全属发烧级组件。包括Wima电容、Dale及Vishay高质量电阻及双层FR-4玻璃织维线路底板。

Duo 唱头放大器

There is an almost irresistible urge to add complexity to any endeavor. The result is a tangled knot of disparate good ideas. Because there is always more that could be added, there is never an opportunity for long-term satisfaction. Never enough.



Sutherland offers a different vision – it may be more closely aligned with your values. It is a very disciplined approach that refines design to the essential elements – and then executes the design to perfection. There is no allowance for superfluous clutter. Nothing extra will be allowed between you and the music.