英国 国都

打从1936起就开始挂牌的Quad,经过数十年岁月,年代改换、世事改迁,但品牌迄今仍屹立,别说是音响产业,就以企业来说,这也是不简单的事。起名为「QUAD」,其实是「Quality Unit Amplifier Domestic」的缩写,意思是高质量家用扩大机产品。数十年来,不仅是ESL静电音箱的重要开发品牌,电子产品更有许多长年畅销的经典机种。



Quad Platinum系列是该公司电子产品的旗舰系列,包括Platinum DMP数字媒体播放器、Platinum pre立体声前级、Platinum Stereo立体声后级、Platinum单声道后级等,单从命名就不难看出这间公司走的是务实风格,是什么器材,就称呼什么。DMP的英文全称是Digital Media Player,所以简称DMP。实际上呢,DMP就是一台CD播放器兼数字前级。

QUAD’s reputation as a manufacturer of hi-fi products that deliver musical accuracy through technical prowess is legendary and is nowhere more evident than in the Platinum series of components. Platinum is the pinnacle of QUAD design, a series of CD/DAC Pre and Power amplifiers that provides everything you need, bar the loudspeakers, to replay music recordings as they were meant to be heard – naturally.



Platinum is the flagship of the QUAD range, a new set of electronics from a brand that has been famous for quality amplification since 1936. Like all QUAD designs, Platinum’s purpose is the ‘closest approach to the original sound’ – in Platinum’s case closer than ever before.