奥地利EAT Cool Damper 原厂制造真空管外罩
V型槽配合Carbon Telfon阻尼胶设计,能适用于多种不同尺码之真空管
The Cool Damper is a radical new device for the tube accessory industry from E.A.T. – EuroAudioTeam. This beautifully crafted audio product offers much more than simply adding a new styling twist to your valves by surrounding them in new, fashionable colours. It brings exceptional acoustic performance and function to your system by delivering sound that redefines the tube dampening category.
Carefully chosen materials for our Cool Damper device allows using it as a truly effective vibration-consuming damper. This results in reduced distortion from the tube circuit, as well as vastly reducing the tendency of most vacuum tubes to act in a microphonic manner. In addition, the sound from a component utilizing Cool Dampers can be heard to have more controlled and deeper bass, a cleaner sound stage, crisper and greater dynamic range, and better focus of the entire sound field.