Phasemation从母公司 - 日本协同电子珠式会社正式独立为另一商业个体后,不断创新地推出多款全新黑胶制品。万众期待的PP-2000旗鉴MC唱头的出现,继承PP-1000音色平衡这"靓声"标准,针对研发防震阻尼物料,令拾讯时不会产生不必要的谐震而影响音质。以钴铁作为磁性物料的PP-2000,将唱头内轭型状部份重新设计过,令唱头有更高的工作效率和达到更饱满的磁通量。这样,唱头的输出得以增加但又倍大到任何震幅,这理想的物理效应。
厂方刻意重新设计过的PP-2000,使用纯铁线轴,6N无酸素铜线圈,加上针杆采用纯硼制造和DLC (Diamond Like Carbon)一种以碳离子作渐进式蒸发合成处理技术制成,而硬度近似钻石之素材,作为唱头外壳,令PP-2000能获得 - 轻、硬、绝缘三大(好声)唱头的优点原素。
主要 特点 Main Feature
New design of a magnetic circuit
We decided to re-examine the magnetic circuits of PP-1000. Having permendur to remain as the magnetic material, the shape of the yoke is newly designed.
Due to this, an excellent shape to have furthermore high efficiency and uniformity of the magnetic field is achieved.
Increased output has been achieved without increasing the weight of the vibration system.
New design of vibration system
The vibration system has been newly designed in order to pursue the best balance of the sound quality. Reproducibility of a very small sound is furthermore improved because the damping material has been changed to the selected damping material and the damping characteristics have been newly designed; thereby, it can reproduce even the atmospheric feeling.
Inheriting the high quality materials for audio sound
High quality materials for audio sounds verified for PP-1000 and other models, which are well-acknowledged until now, listed in the followings are inherited: magneto coil, pure iron coil bobbin, and wire damper made of 6N oxygen-free copper wire, cantilever made of pure boron material, etc. The DLC (Diamond Like Carbon)*1) which is well-acknowledged continues to be adopted for the body. The sound quality without fuzzy sounds has been achieved because the rigidity and vibration-damping characteristic are excellent.
*1DLC(Diamond Like Carbon) DLC(Diamond Like Carbon)is a generic name of carbon film to be produced with vapor phase synthesis utilizing ion processing; and the high rigidity and high electric insulation similar to a diamond are provided for it.
Needle exchange
Please contact the dealer when exchanging the needle.
获得奖项 Received Prizes
Grand Prix 2015 Grand Prix Prize
BEST BUY COMPONENTS 2015-16 Phono Cartridge 1st Prize
Audio Excellence Award 2016 Bronze Prize
analog Grand Prix 2016 Phono Cartridge Gold Prize
2016 MJ Technology of the Year Analog Components Excellent Award
Annual Best Components 2015 Analog Components 1st Prize

Power Generation Method
Moving Coil Type
4 Ohm
Applicable Stylus Force
1.7 to 2.0g
Output Voltage
0.3mV(horizontal direction of 1kHz 50mm/s)
Playing Frequency Range
10Hz to 30kHz
30dB or more (1kHz)
Channel Balance
Within 1dB (1kHz)
Range of Recommended Temperature
20℃ to 26℃
Stylus Chip
Diamond(line contact / curvature 0.03×0.003mm)
Pure Boron φ0.26
Samarium Cobalt Magnet
Magnetic Circuit Composition Material
Stainless(Diamond Like Carbon processing)
Duralumin(Diamond Like Carbon processing)