丹麦Moerch(莫克) DP-6 黑胶唱臂
DP-6唱臂备有镀铬面及镀24K金外饰选择,而顶级DP-6唱臂更可特别订购黑色,及备有12吋长臂版本,以供更高循迹要求的唱盘使用。所有金属镀饰均经过多次重复打磨镀饰而成,润泽光辉,恒久不退。 顶级DP-6以双单点轴承式支点设计,所能调校音色的范围相对较多。唱臂支点的承托杯加入硅树脂作阻尼。
四款臂管分别为:绿点4g, 红点6g, 黄点8g及蓝点14g
Model DP-6 has a unique combination of bearings. A silicone-damped, high precision ball-bearing assembly is used for the horizontal plane of motion. Two precision sapphire bearings are incorporated for the vertical mode of motion, which may be damped also, if desired, by injecting silicone fluid into a well for vertical damping. The damping of the horizontal plane of motion is independent of the damping of vertical mode of motion, and the latter can further be adjusted to all intermediate levels of damping.