美国ModWright(乐威) KWA100SE 签名版晶体管后级放大器
l 拥有每边120w(8Ω)210W(4Ω)功率输出
l 环型变压器供电及左右声道独立布局设计
l 零负回输式及场效应管式电路设计
l 使用Solid State Music Stage设计电路
l 设换式放大线路偏压调节,
l 内置总共90,000µf之电容量
l 选用高电流式场效应管作输出级放大
l 设有过热,短路及超出负荷三重保护电路
l 备有XLR平衡及RCA输 入各一组
The KWA 100SE includes the following upgrades:
l 40% increase in number of output devices per channel.
l 100% increase in main power supply capacitance per channel.
l Upgrade of key signal and power supply capacitors to MWI custom capacitors.
l Upgrade of key signal path resistors to Takman Carbon Film resistors.
The result is better bass response, improved control and low-level detail an overall resolution
We set out to design the KWA 100 to meet a price point and offer the best possible performance for that price.
When our customers asked us what we could do without the target price limitations, the KWA 100SE was born!
All existing KWA 100’s may be factory-only upgraded for the cost difference between KWA 100 andKWA 100SE. We always strive to offer cost-effective upgrade paths for all of our products and this is not exeption.
Physical size and styling of KWA 100SE amp will be the same as the KWA 100. We will apply a SE badge to the front of the KWA 100SE units to set them apart.
技术参数 |
讯源输入 |
RCA/1组,XLR/1组 |
输出功率(每声道) |
120W(8Ω) 210W(4Ω) |
桥式连接输出功率 |
放大偏压设定 |
可切换纯A类或AB类 |
静态噪音率 |
-97dB |
输入阻抗 |
40kΩ |
总频捡波失真 |
0.07% |
频宽 |
10Hz-100kHz (0,-1dB) |
体积(宽x高x深) |
17x17x5.5寸 |
净重 |
40磅 |
颜色选择 |
黑/银 |