德国   八度


OCTAVE是一间历史悠久,并以家族式经营,专门设计及生产真空管放大器的公司,1968年Mr. Herr Hofmann 在德国黑森林附近的Karlsbad-Lettersbach小镇,创立了 Herr Hofmann Seniors公司,专门研发及制造高质量线圈和变压器供应给其他真空管生产商使用。其后由儿子Mr. Andreas Hofmann继承父业,由于Mr. Andreas Hofmann本身对真空管器材情有独钟,于是一方面维持电子零件的业务,另一方面研究真空管制造技术。当时他发现到真空管器材的线路设计本身有很多未完善的问题,例如在带宽、稳定度、音色都有进步的空间,于是Mr. Andreas Hofmann便立心改善种种问题,醉心研究出一台令自己满意的真空管器材。经过3年以上的时间,在1998年Mr. Andreas Hofmann设计出Octave的第一台真空管前级- HP 500,推出到市场之后瞬即获得空前的成功,大获业界和发烧友的一致好评,正籍当年他的父亲退休,Mr. Andreas Hofmann正式全盘接手公司业务。




Mr. Andreas Hofmann对公司进行了改革,停止供应线圈及变压器给其他厂家,把那些质量超卓的线圈及变压器纳入Octave器材所专用的组件,并为Octave器材定立出严格的生产标准。Octave的器材大部份都具备5大特色,包括负载稳定(Load Stability)、前级电子稳压(Electronic Stabilization)、电源管理、保护系统、偏压控制等等。




负载稳定(Load Stability)






电子稳压(Electronic Stabilization)


这项技术是在设计旗舰型号Jubilee Monoblocs后级功放的过程上研发出来,后来被Mr. Andreas Hofmann发现运用在功率输出较少的放大器有显著的效果,于是便把这技术移植到V40身上,变成了针对前级优化的一项技术。

















OCTAVE每一台产品,由输入连接端子到输出的变压器,均于德国西南部Karlsbad生产总部由人手组装,最后经过48小时连续严格测试,确保产品能够以最理想的表现交至用家手上。在过去的几年里,凭着独到的设计、出色 的制作以及稳定和出色的音效,OCTAVE 放大器备受人关注,名气不断上升,产品系列也不断完善,机子的外表也越做越出色,从中档的合并机到顶级的Jubilee参考机种,OCTAVE均能对应不 同发烧友的要求。


The idea behind OCTAVE is a passion for music combined with ingenious electronic aptitude and an absolute commitment to perfection. The technically innovative, perfectly manufactured, completely safe and user-friendly amplifiers that result offer elegant aesthetics while allowing the beauty of the music and its authentic sound to come alive in living rooms.



What distinguishes OCTAVE? The conviction that true musicality in high fidelity can only be realized with tubes? Surely. But that‘s not the sole factor. The secret of our success lies in the OCTAVE hybrid technology. By that, we mean the optimal synthesis of traditional tube technology and innovative semiconductor circuitry. Tubes ensure the remarkable sound performance of our amplifiers, while our innovative transistor circuits play an important part in enabling the tubes to completely maximize their audiophile potential.



For more than 20 years, OCTAVE has been building high-quality tube amplifiers that offer stable performance and reliability on par with the finest transistor equipment. Our models owe their outstanding durability to the well thought out electronic monitoring and protection systems. The soft-start technology, the controlled "power rise", precise stabilization and intelligent protective circuits are the guarantors of unsurpassed product reliability. After all, with an OCTAVE amplifier, music lovers should be able to listen to their records and CDs - at the highest performance level possible - for decades.




Every OCTAVE amplifier is based on high-quality components – from the input jacks to the output transformers - which are developed and produced by OCTAVE. Each and every model is meticulously hand-built at our company headquarters in the Baden village of Karlsbad, Germany. Before any product leaves our facility, it must first pass stringent quality-control and a 48-hour durability test.




OCTAVE models are engineered to provide a long life-time of unwavering sound quality. As most of the mechanical and electronic components of our products are engineered in-house and produced according to our strict directives by specialized manufacturers, we are able to use original components should service ever be necessary, even if an older model should require repair, thereby offering our customers the highest quality service possible and products that maintain stable performance and maximum value.



Our model philosophy is based on the continuous development and refinement of our products. The best example perhaps is our HP 500 preamplifier, which successfully maintains its presence in the market since 1987 – not least thanks to the fact that the preamplifier can reap the benefits of the technological advances. That we are absolutely right with this concept is confirmed by the intensive, personal dialog with our customers. We view the numerous group-test wins and awards by the hi-fi press as validation of our efforts. But they are also serve as encouragement to consequently pursue this avenue even further

V40SE 合并式放大器
V70SE 合并式放大器
V80 合并式放大器
HP500SE 前级放大器
HP700 前级放大器
MRE130 后级放大器
MRE220 后级放大器
Super Black Box 超级黑盒