意大利 北极星
拥有多年数码音响产品制作经验的NorthStar,创办人Giuseppe Rampino对于数码音讯还原技术可谓驾轻就熟。其产品在意大利获得甚高水平,也协助过其它音响厂商开发数码产品。他亦曾经领导潮流地引进过如 I²S 这种彻底与转盘内置时钟分开的数码讯号传输、采用32bit译码芯片作为数模处理、最早将USB译码完全提升至24bit/192kHz对应而实行大众化价钱…等等。
对于现时发展迅速,亦可能成为将来数码音源主流之计算机音文件系统,North Star 绝对支持,而且产品也将这项技术作为中心,不断研发有关数码制品。
现有之最新制作包括USB-dac32,Essensio及Essensio plus三款带USB数码输入的译码器。另外也为已成为North Star解碼用家而特设的USB to I²S Digital Interface (界面转换器),确保能够应用USB界面的CAS音源。
全线产品为意大利制造的North Star 除以上述产品外,亦会不断开发更多音响产品,如CD机,厂方会把现时的 Sapphire CD 机提升至更高质素,用上32bit/192kHz芯片,使用更高之取样带宽及加入USB数码输入等多项革命改良。此外,North Star 更会在放大器环节上加入连解碼一体化的合并式功放,以及设USB数码接口输出,亦能同时提供24bit/192kHz高清数码格式的唱头放大器等多款触目制品,务求将North Star之独有技术和(靓声)慨念,于不同范畴带给音响迷。
The North Star Design is an Italian company specialized in the design and production of hi-end audio equipment based on high technology and refined sound. In all our products you can find our love for music and its correct reproduction.
Our philosophy is to have only one system, which represents the NSD sound, for each class of products. In order to be introduced in our catalogue, a new model has to perform significantly better than the previous one. So our units represents a long time investment with a very high second hand value. You can ask any time North Star Design for a unit check-up, upgrades or warranty extension. We think that the value of a product is increased by the support value at the customer.