英国  力克


对于资深音响玩家来说,英国 Leak 绝对是一个记忆中的经典品牌,1934 年于英国伦敦创立,经历过二战洗礼,战后复兴时期为 BBC 制作真空管机,随欧洲经济复甦成长,并在 1970 年代达到高峰,不过好景不常,1996 年品牌走入历史,但在 2020 年IAG 集团让 Leak 重新登上国际音响市场版图,延续 Leak 的经典设计元素,推出Stereo 130 综合扩大机与 CDT 唱盘



Harold Joseph Leak founded the seminal H. J. LEAK & CO Ltd in 1934. Originally based in London, England, LEAK was a brand specialised in designing and manufacturing high quality audio components.



After many years of in a state of dormancy, LEAK was rescued by the IAG Group – one of the world premiere manufacturers of audio products and owner of a plethora of classic British brands. In 2020, the year of Harold Joseph Leak’s 113th birthday and H.J. Leak & Co’s 84th birthday, IAG Group proudly bring the return of LEAK. Maintaining the art-deco inspired, classic-styled high-quality home audio format for the modern-day hi-fi enthusiast, LEAK is reborn. With close attention to detail in styling, performance and value, LEAK finally returns for the masses with the LEAK STEREO 130 and the first-ever digital CD playback device for LEAK, the LEAK CDT. Offering diverse media compatibility, for the modern-day audio enthusiast, without compromising on style and values of audio performance.

CD-T CD播放机
Stereo 130 合并功放机
Stereo 230 合并功放机