德国   EMT


EMT之父 Wilhelm Franz在1940年在德国成立 Electrical Measuring Technology William Franz KG 公司,以简称EMT三个英文字作为品牌的商标,直到现今踏足超过半个世纪,而且亦经历不少变迁和时代洗礼。随着二次大战的爆发令EMT迅速解体,直至战后经济贫乏的情况下,在1948年再次重组继续艰苦经营。


战后期间EMT亦与德国录音室制品厂Studer进行过不少的业务上合作,按照当时的严格需要,发展及生产了一系列制品包括44cm直径大型转轮(platter)及配备12吋长臂的EMT927录音室专用黑胶唱盘、可供电台24小时不停播唱的EMT930耐用型唱盘、EMT首部直驱动式(Direct-Drive)950唱盘、EMT948及938 Tondose唱盘、长青型MC唱头TSD15及专供SME唱臂用之XSD15等名器。除黑胶唱片制品外,EMT亦发展录音室用之残响器及音量压缩器等,直到现在世界各国的著名录音室和电台仍可找到EMT制品,可见其惊叹的耐用度和追随者的爱载程度为有增无减。 Franz于1971年与世长辞,由Erich R.Vogl延续Franz的使命直至1989正式被当时三枪投影机厂Barco全面收购,成为Barco-EMT公司。由于母公司是以发展和生产投影及影像设备为主,故此一切有关音响的开发尤其是黑胶制品几乎完全停顿。而且,EMT整体工程人员和资源都投放于影视器材研究。投影机市场随着近十年间翻云覆雨的变化,令Barco公司将EMT卖给开发专业器材出身之Walter Derrer。


Walter从2003年起带着EMT剩下的核心人员再次重组成为EMT Studiotechink GmbH生产现时商业事务仍需要的黑胶制品及一些长青作品如TSD15、XSD15唱头和12吋唱臂等;还同时维持早年经典黑胶唱盘之保养和维修服务。 另一方面,EMT亦进行新产品开发,大致分为两大类。第一是发展以专业录音室为主的器材如Phoenix 5.1之声场观察器及重新设计之EMT986鉴听级CD(内置硬盘式)录音回放器。第二就是针对民用高级音响制品,如在06年推出的JSD5/JSD6 EMT 66周年记念版黑胶唱头。此外EMT更不断研制出其它优秀之发烧器材作为另一发展方针,首以真空管电路设计的唱头放大前级JPA66最为触目,具备之功能足以适应任何输出灵敏度和阻值之唱头使用。


现今之EMT Studiotechink GmbH会秉承之前设计的优良传统,配合现时高科技发展与时并进,创造出更为「发烧友」认同的制品。出类拔萃及千锤百炼的造工设计,就是EMT要带给高级音响界的最大贡献。 EMT 997 12"唱臂EMT 929 9"唱臂阔别多年的艺术珍品再度面世。黑胶历史上,首度研制12吋唱臂用上于Neumann裁切黑胶机械及EMT大型唱盘的R80和927,相信只有SME 3012、Neumann Z 25、Ortofon 297/309以及EMT之997。前3支唱臂随着黑胶在市场上的变化都相继停产。由于EMT要员与Keith Aschenbrenner的衷承合作下,在06年间决定将这支号称为「香蕉臂」的997 复刻。为满足未能一尝EMT唱盘的EMT迷都能感受EMT魅力,EMT推出997 Universal特别版。加入升降台和改良臂管连接到唱头壳的插座,成为能与其它唱盘、不同类型的唱头一起共享,将EMT12吋唱臂独有的高循迹能力得以尽情发挥。




酝酿多年以真空管电路设计的极品唱头放大前级JPA66终于2009年正式诞生,JPA-66具备之功能足以适应任何输出灵敏度和阻值之唱头使用,另外三段不同频应之RIAA调节和全平衡输入等,可谓为集最完美唱放回放要求于一身,成为黑胶唱放顶尖之作,也可能是世上最昂贵的唱放前级。加上将长青唱头TSD-15唱头壳除下,再将接臂点改位,成为一般唱臂能共享的TSD-15N SFL,更使EMT在普及型市场上多添一门猛将。作为黑胶制品专家,EMT实在当之无愧。

The EMT - Founder Wilhelm Franz was born 1913 in Bremen. His professional way led him first to Berlin, where he was involved with the measuring instrument development and the sales. Afterwards he went to C. Lorenz AG who gave him the possibility to collect as deputy directors/conductors of the measuring laboratories a rich wealth of experience.


With only 27 years he created then 1940 in Berlin his own company "Electrical Measuring Technology William Franz KG". Highly sensitive control and measuring instruments for the messages and radio technology secured for the company soon a good reputation. Short before end of WW 2 the company relocated to Dingelsdorf at the Bodensee and briefly later to Lahr in the Black Forest. The end of war brought also for EMT the disassembly, and so only at the beginning of 1948 the enterprise could be taken up gradually again.


After William Franz had died 1971, Erich R. Vogl resumed, during many years the company with large success. 1989 took place then the sales of the EMT to the Belgian company BARCO and the company arose afterwards under the name BARCO - EMT at the market. In consequence many activities of the EMT were stopped. After the development department close down, the company headquarters served the selling of the BARCO products.


Only a small core team of the earlier EMT remained active for devices in the production and the service by the pick-ups as well as the EMT –electronics.


August 2003, EMT was sold by BARCO to Walter Derrer, who comes from the pro audio range. Together with all rights also the "core team" was taken over, i.e. the “Tondosen” know-how carrier with. The “new” EMT started activities under the name EMT Studiotechnik GmbH. Our core business is appropriate further in the audio - technology. On the one hand the care of existing products, on the other hand the development of the offer pallet of further are advanced: Most pick-ups are still manufactured and new systems are in the development. Likewise we accomplish devices service and repairs for nearly all EMT.