德国  雕傲


DUAL的悠长历史,可说是由1900年生产弹簧驱动器开始,27年后,由DUAL设计之电动马达唱盘和后置式弹簧驱动器,这种合并系统在当时的唱盘出现,故称为DUAL-MOTOR的关系,因此DUAL这品牌就应现而生。到1937年在巴黎世博中,DUAL唱盘首度获得最高的殊荣奖项。在1949年DUAL用其品牌推出名为MODEL 1000的Record Changer(多碟式黑胶唱片点播机),在市场上大获好评。1952年,首个盒装便携式黑胶机,以及1955/56年的盒装式放大器出现,令当时音响器材的市场蓬勃起来,一系列的新产品如扬声器、录音座、功放和微型组合等不断涌现,DUAL亦把握这机会,扩张其唱盘产品的发展,而且得到市场的认同,销售日益递增。甚至令它在1971年正式买下当时的对手PE公司。到80年代的经济萧条下,在1982年家电巨头——Thomson公司申请破产的影响下,令Dual于1988年正式被Schneider-Rundfunk Werke AG收购,产品线上加入电视机这环节。知道1993年由Alfred Fehrenbacher GmbH接手DUAL黑胶唱盘的整个生产线和设计,回复由DUAL负责至今。

CS 420 全自动黑胶唱盘
CS 440 全自动黑胶唱盘

HTML clipboardThe company history of Dual begins with the production of spring drives in 1900. 27 years later, an electric motor with reared spring drive, the combination motor was introduced - the so-called "DUAL-Motor", and so the DUAL brand was born. In 1937, at the World Exhibition in Paris, the DUAL turntable gets the first award. In 1949 the DUAL-record changer, model "1000" was introduced. DUAL produces an annual 200,000 drives by now. In 1952 there were the first own crystal cartridge box-turntables and box-amplifiers followed in 1955/56. New developments such as tape recorders, tuners, amplifiers, speakers, and compact systems were equally successful. 1971 DUAL took over the competing company PE. While DUAL in the 70s still imports its biggest gains, in 1982 came the surprising bankruptcy with the acquisition of THOMSON. In 1988 DUAL was then sold to the Schneider-Rundfunk Werke AG, which then added televisions to the range, too. In 1993, Alfred Fehrenbacher GmbH took over the production of the complete turntable program by DUAL.

CS 460 全自动黑胶唱盘
CS 526 半自动黑胶唱盘
CS 550 手动黑胶唱盘
CS 600 手动黑胶唱盘