德国 AudioNET
Audionet是德国现时发展比较迅速的高端发烧音响生产公司,旗下之影音产品,无论是用料或是质素方面均达高端发烧级数,为各音乐发烧者提高优质及非常卓越音色表现.1994年成立于德国 Bochum,公司全名为 Idektron GmbH & Co. KG,Audionet 是其注册商标一。Idektron 原为德国有名的鲁尔大学之附属研发单位,专事医学工程及音响电子之研究,后独立运作,全力投注于音响电子技术之发展。除了自创品牌 - Audionet。Audionet 的中心哲学到底便是" Information Engineering - 讯息工程,意即所有 Audionet 的器材,皆为面对并解译最丰富的音乐信息,以达器材设计的最终目的:传达音乐情感 ",这是 Audionet 创办人 Thomas Gessler 对自我产品的最佳描述。
除了有丰富的电路设计技术,在器材上大量运用飞弹级芯片作最仔细的电路监控外,Audionet 亦秉持最严谨的德国工艺,以最先进的测试仪器做最完善的质量管理,并经由长时间之 burn-in test 做最终之稳定控管。2000年的德国法兰克福音响展,Audionet 与来自英国的著名喇叭厂 Wilson Benesch 连袂展出,不仅以绝佳的匹配表现赢得极高的评价,Audionet的扩大机更被 Wilson Benesch 指定为其原创喇叭的最佳搭配器材。
If the need for culture is central to human nature, then art is one of its key forms of expression. It enriches our lives, giving us meaning. Yet what would an orchestra create without instruments, or a painter without his oils? Can there be art without a mediating technology?
Our vision is to provide you with direct access to music and film. To provide an authentic listening experience in which you forget that the sounds and pictures you hear and see are being reproduced by machines.
Our machines, Audionet systems: devised and developed on the basis of scientific inspiration, professional engineering-art, and a passion for audio culture. These exceptional creations guarantee inspired musical enjoyment and have an established, excellent reputation among connoisseurs worldwide.
But not just the amplifiers - all our products are handcrafted piece by piece in our Bochum works by experienced personnel who combine utmost precision with the greatest enthusiasm.